Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Jumping on the M Train and Meryl's Secret Daughter

I know I'm late to the party, but I'm not ashamed to admit it... I heart Meghan Trainor. That's right, the M Train is circling the globe and I'm on board.

Like the rest of the free world, I spent the later portion of 2014 slightly obsessed with a little ditty entitled, "All About That Bass". Though I'm a sucker for girl power anthems, it wasn't just the message to be comfortable in your own skin that made me a fan. Instead, it was the retro, almost do-wop quality of the song paired with her cool quasi-gansta/rapper phrasing that made the song a go-to jam for me.

Then I discovered "Lips are Movin'".

And then the pinnacle, "Dear Future Husband"(where was this when I was in the dating game?! Luckily, I ended up scoring ok on my own).

 Both of her subsequent singles carry the already branded Meghan Trainor feel - a urge to get on your feet beat paired with the attitude that we all must keep up appearances, for we're far too cool to lose our chill.

The additional tracks on Trainor's debut album, "Title", don't disappoint. A real snapshot of early 20s life, it seems as if the singer/songwriter took a note from the Queen of the Genre (Taylor Swift, obvi, totes!) and wrote what she knew. The result is a collection of catchy tunes that pretty much anyone can relate to.

I'm impressed with Meghan's sojourn into the world of fame thus far, and hope she sticks around long enough to give us a glimpse of the artist she evolves into.

See, that didn't seem too over-the-top right? Just a tip of the hat to an up and coming artist. Yeah well, here's where things take a turn. Just remember, I'm not obsessed, I swear.

Take a look at the photo of Meghan pictured below.

Now take a look at a photo of her three sisters.

You're probably thinking, "oh gee, isn't that nice. This is becoming a family post...," PSYCHE! It is not. 

If you are an avid reader of this blog you know that the women in second photo above are Meryl Streep's daughters (Left to Right: Louisa, Mamie and Grace Gummer). They are not related to Megan Trainor. Or, are they? Given the pretty uncanny resemblance (especially to the oldest Gummer girl, Mamie), I'm thinking Meghan may be the secret fourth daughter no one ever knew about. The question is, will she be claimed now that her genetics have brought her into the fame infused limelight? And even further, what else are you trying to hide from us, Meryl?!