Monday, February 27, 2012

The Academy proves me wrong, Oprah's Book Club Fight Club is born and Taylor just keeps getting classier

Let me start by saying I was wrong. Go ahead, rub it in my face. I was wrong, I have no idea what I’m talking about, blah, blah, blah. Now let me tell you how absolutely thrilled I am to be wrong! When faced with adversity (in real life and in my less important entertainment-based investments) I try to always stay optimistic. But when the going gets tough, I’m a realist at heart (I was lightly perspiring as Colin Firth took the stage). Sure Meryl won the Golden Globe (which was a complete shock to me, even though I was rooting for her all along), but I thought Viola had this one in the bag. And so did a lot of other people. The thing is I don’t even care that I was wrong. I’m over the moon for Meryl, I just hope she doesn’t use this award as a silent, slow segue out of the business.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

An Oscar Tribute to Meryl (even though Viola will win)

I've been meaning to write this post ever since the Academy Award nominations were announced. But I think I was destined to wait until now. Last weekend I had a Miss Congeniality-like moment (and those don't happen often, so this was a big deal!)while watching my recording of Oprah's Oscar Special on OWN (everyone watch, especially if you have Nielsen cable boxes!). The O was interviewing Viola Davis (who else would she be interviewing this awards season? And yes, she stayed consistent to the race card when she talked with Octavia Spencer as well) when the moment occurred. In the middle of Viola's sentence I caught myself slipping into a Cheryl from Rhode Island-like stream of consciousness when I thought to myself, "She's so kind and smart (and important), she's definitely gonna win."