Monday, February 27, 2012

The Academy proves me wrong, Oprah's Book Club Fight Club is born and Taylor just keeps getting classier

Let me start by saying I was wrong. Go ahead, rub it in my face. I was wrong, I have no idea what I’m talking about, blah, blah, blah. Now let me tell you how absolutely thrilled I am to be wrong! When faced with adversity (in real life and in my less important entertainment-based investments) I try to always stay optimistic. But when the going gets tough, I’m a realist at heart (I was lightly perspiring as Colin Firth took the stage). Sure Meryl won the Golden Globe (which was a complete shock to me, even though I was rooting for her all along), but I thought Viola had this one in the bag. And so did a lot of other people. The thing is I don’t even care that I was wrong. I’m over the moon for Meryl, I just hope she doesn’t use this award as a silent, slow segue out of the business.

I loved her reaction (I’m sure she got used to not hearing her name be called, as it happened 12 times in a row…), her sweet, heartfelt speech (shout out to Don and reflection of her career) and even her modesty in accepting the award (knowing that so many didn’t support her, wanting Viola to take home the trophy), all of those components are so Meryl. She was authentic and true to herself, acting as if she had been on that stage only yesterday. The heart of the matter is, the streak is over! Now it’s time to open the flood gates!

I stayed up extra late last night to watch Jimmy Kimmel’s After-Oscar Special, as I had heard about his star-studded “Movie: The Movie” preview premiere.

The highlights were seeing Emily Blunt and John Krasinski together, Matt Damon as a bushel of grapes and the topper, Meryl in a mustache. Little did I know the fun wouldn’t really go down until Oprah took the stage. Strutting in her gold-flecks Oscar gown (yes, that's as "fashionista" as I get), she mentioned that acting is a therapeutic practice for her, one she plans to expand on in the near future. She also said that she isn’t up for taking just any role, she has standards, or did, until starring in the skit with Jimmy Kimmel that aired last night. Take a look at Jimmy and Oprah’s meeting at OWN.

Images of Oprah stealing a car and hosting a Book Club Fight Club meeting were humorous, but seem way too close to racial stereotyping for Oprah’s taste. Maybe she’s just out to stretch herself or maybe OWN really is in trouble and she finally caved, knowing they needed some virality to keep them afloat. It will be interesting to see how everything plays out. Either way, it’s content I’ll take joy in watching for weeks to come.

Finally, as if Miss Swift couldn’t get any sweeter, she defies our expectations once again. A girl from New Jersey started a Facebook campaign to capture Taylor’s attention, asking if she would go to the prom with the girl’s 18-year-old brother who is fighting Leukimia. Taylor had to turn down the date, but in true over-the-top style she invited the guy to be her date to the ACM awards in Las Vegas. He gladly accepted. I hope the pair does the red carpet together. Can’t wait to see those two!

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