Sunday, February 24, 2013

My Shot At Getting Into The Academy: Oscars 2013

I blog once or twice a year. Not the most dependable of internet writers, I know. And it's ok, I can take it. Though my track record is a bit sketchy in this department, there is one thing you can always count on from me (whether you like it or not) - a good piece of Oscar.

The big night is upon us (well, almost) and the time has come again for me to bestow my movie brilliance. Let's get real people, it's about time the Academy just let me in already. 

Best Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis 

DDL has this in the bag. No questions asked. Actually, I do have a question concerning Denzel Washington's nomination in this category. The dude admitted to preparing for the role by watching drunk people YouTube videos. Wow, captivating. These sort of antics did make their way into the film, but then again most of us can act like raving, inebriated lunatics as well. I'll post of a video right now if you'd like Academy. Just overnight my Oscar next week, thanks.

Best Actress: Jennifer Lawrence 

I saw "Silver Linings Playbook," I LOVED it. I loved Bradley, I loved Deniro, I loved the subservient/feisty mom (interesting dichotomy to pull off, Jakie Weaver), the tense/angry friend and his controlling wife (Julia Stiles) and most of all, I loved J. Law. Then I saw "Zero Dark Thirty". I really liked Jessica Chastain. The depth and dedication (pointedly the sequence of writing the number of days passing by after the Bin Laden compound had been discovered and nothing had been done about it) of her performance is moving. And just like she brought the big guy down, I thought the beloved golden statutte might find a similar fate. I've since seen the light and placed my bet with Miss Lawrence. Chastain is multi-talented (nominated just last year for "The Help" in a strikingly different role) and will be invited back to the Oscar stage again. My guess is that youth will win out in this case (not the ultimate youth, being the 9 year old, Wallis), that is if we can keep the foreign force at bay - Amour is still a legitimate threat.

Best Supporting Actor: Tommy Lee Jones 

Tommy Lee Jones took the seriousness of his "Lincoln" character to an entirely new depth at the Golden Globes. I think he deserves an Oscar for that performance alone. Yet, Christophe Waltz is a bit of a darling in the Academy's eyes and may take home his second statue (previously winning this exact award for his work with Tarantino in "Inglorious Basterds") on Sunday. I have to admit, I wouldn't be opposed to an out of left field Deniro win either, just sayin'.

Best Supporting Actress: Anne Hathaway 

This one has Anne Hathaway's name all over it (preferably spelled correctly, thanks Critics' Choice!). Though Les Mis left me wanting more and aside from the fact that I would love to see Sally Field take the stage again (this time for her brave and insightful portrayal of Mary Todd Lincoln), I think it's time for the Princess of Genovia to take her coveted and well sought after ("Rachel Getting Married" and "Love and Other Drugs" anyone?) crown.

So, that's that. As before mentioned on this blog, I'm not obsessed, I'm just an opinionated movie nerd (who likes to believe she knows a thing or two about modern day cinema). Tune in tonight to see if I'm right! 

P.S. Seth Macfarlane, good luck topping this...

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