Wednesday, March 23, 2011

This is outdated, I know - The Oscars, A future Oscar winner prediction and current happenings

Hey there, I'm back. I know, you're shocked. It only took me three weeks to write a second blog post. In my defense, I wrote the majority of this post on March 4, a mere two days after my blog debut. At that point I was only a few days late on my Oscar wrap up, now I'm beating a dead horse. I even watched "Julie & Julia" during my hiatus, hoping to inspire myself to make this a routine. Instead of spurring my blog ambitions it only added to my excitement over this...

 Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher in "The Iron Lady" 

I digress, but I'm not obsessed. I'll explain this a bit more later. So what can I say, I got distracted. That, and I need to get internet at my apartment. Nevertheless, let's jump in. As I promised at the end of the last post, first I'm going to give my 411 on the Oscars.


I never like to say, "I told you so," but I was rather worried about this hosting match up from the get go. I even tweeted about it, check it out if you don't believe me. Not that they aren't notable actors, I fell for James Franco in his Harry Osbourne Spider-Man days and I've admired most of Anne Hathaway's role choices - primarily in "The Devil Wears Prada" and "Rachel Getting Married", but they just aren't Oscar host material. By the way, if you are trying to jazz things up (aka: target a younger demographic) and make the show young and hip don't reference the show outright as young and hip. Just a pointer. Anyway, the duo were no Martin and Baldwin, but I don't think they deserve the bad press they are getting. Anne was fun (a bit too much at times) and James was, well, apathetic.

It was disappointing that the highlight of the night came near the beginning of the show.

 Beginning with Kirk Douglas and his entrance, cane and all. Presenting best actress in a supporting role, envelope open in hand, delaying the inevitable, Kirk was distracted by anything and everything. Finally he announced the winner, Melissa Leo. I loved "The Fighter" (though Christian Bale was the real stand out in the film) and she deserved the award. I was happy that rumors she was knocked out of the running due to personal admissions the industry didn't agree with turned out to be false. I'm glad talent won over politics. And, at the same time, she made Oscar history, henceforth known as Melissa "you know what" Leo.

Overall, the show was average. Nothing spectacular, in part due to the fact that all four front-runners took home top honors, which was deserved, just made for an anti-climatic show. And if it was up to me, I'd have James and Anne give it another try in 30 or 40 years. Try a young and hip Oscars then. Now, on to other things...

The Meryl Effect 

There was an obvious gaping hole at the show on Sunday. A seat was open that hasn't been left vacant at the Oscars in a string of years. Meryl's seat. Being nominated 16 time garners your own seat, don't you think? I bet the seat has a gold placard with her name on it. I guess this is where I should begin to explain my fascination with Meryl Streep.

In 2005, sometime around her 14th or 15th Oscar nomination, I started to take notice of this lady. "Prada" incited the full fledged exploration, but I had noticed her quiet yet powerful grace and attention demanding performances earlier, most likely in "The Hours". At the point of my recognition Meryl was about to break records in becoming the most nominated actress in the history of the Academy Awards. This struck me. Many talented people spend the better part of their lives making movies and never even get nominated once. Today, Meryl has won twice (not since 1982, I believe) and been nominated 16 times. Here's to hoping nomination number 17, already predicted to come about through "The Iron Lady" (I only have to wait till the end of the year to see it, joy!) will be the charm. It would be cool to see her win in my lifetime. Though I'm pulling for Meryl to win at least one more golden statuette, I'm fairly certain someone else in the family eventually will as well. Enter Mamie Gummer.

I know, the name in horrendous. That said, she is Meryl Streep's daughter and could possibly share the staggering acting ability. Who knew that was hereditary? Anyway, after missing Meryl's rise to fame, I've done my best to keep tabs on Miss Gummer. I'm merely interested, not obsessed, in discovering whether she will one day earn her own golden placard at the Kodak Theater. She's been in a few movies "Evening", "Stop/Loss" and "Taking Woodstock" but her stage work and now TV resume (repeat guest star on "The Good Wife" and ensemble character on "Off The Map" - which Ryan has predicted to soon be "off the air", hilarious that guy) has established her budding career.

I think she's pretty good and just might make it. Keep you eye on this one. Here's the catch, Mamie is not alone. Her little sister, Grace is also trying to get a break into the big time. She got a pretty decent chance too, the central lead on a little Teen Nick show called "Gigantic". I guess I'm behind the times because I don't remember there even being a Teen Nick channel when I watched Nickelodeon. There was Nick Jr. and regular Nick. I guess times change. Anyway, though I am not a teen, I found myself watching the show. Not due to Grace's alluring talent, for she doesn't have much, kinda missed out on that gene. I instead got pulled into the show thanks to the over the top teen romance and drama set in LA. I watch this show for one reason, to laugh. But my watching days are limited, as I've heard the show won't be coming back for an additional season. Too bad for Grace, time to get someone else who owes her mom a favor to give her a job.
Needless to say, the name will most likely prevail through one daughter, but not the other.

Well, I think that's enough ranting for now. Here are just a quick tidbits of info about current happenings:
1. As of now I am tied for 2nd place in my office NCAA Basketball Bracket Tournament
2. I bought a Vegas dress last week. It's black and FUCHSIA! I know, should be interesting. It's pretty and fun and I'm excited!
3. Lately I have not been able to say no to any entertainment related activity when has resulted in the following plans:
April - Vegas Trip - Celine and possibly Criss Angel or The Lion King
May - Wicked! The show is coming to Boise and I'm currently reading the book, weird!
June - You all know about this, Tim. :) Oh yeah, I got VIP Pit passes and am in the Pre-Party drawing! I will keep you posted on these developments.
July - Katy Perry and maybe just maybe Owl City in Utah.
September - TAYLOR in SLC, whenever tickets go on sale. SLC people hit me up if you know before me. Thanks!

That's all for now. Thanks for reading and caring about my crazed entertainment ramblings. Not sure what I will talk about next time, probably my new favorite TV show. The one I resisted and made fun of people for watching before I gave into the curious desire. Yeah, that's what we'll talk about next. Laters.

1 comment:

  1. wonderfully insightful, sweetie. the only problem was you forgot to mention the potentially catastrophic affects of grace's and maime's faces to their careers; unless of course there are many witch roles that present themselves in the near future (maime's nose especially is tailor-made for such roles)!
