Friday, March 25, 2011

Five reasons why I love "Glee" and a special birthday wish...

Hey yo, I'm back. I know, I'm MIA for three weeks and now this is my second post this week, it's like I'm trying to show off or something. That or I got off work early and am house sitting for my parents and had nothing better to do. Your guess is as good as mine. Moving on, as promised I have a special countdown for you today.

I am not the first to write about this or even the one millionth, I'm rather behind the times on this subject. I've decided to share my feelings regardless of their timeliness due to the aura, the pervasive quality that surrounds this show and my initial stone cold denial and objection to it. It's not the best show out there. The acting is far from remarkable and the story lines lack complexity. Yet, the show as a whole is wholesome and reflective of real life on the level that everyone has their own weird quirks and we all make mistakes when our minds are clouded over by emotion and the stress of life happenings. Some are shallow and some are more complex and personal, forevermore these are the -

Five reasons I love

1. Celebration of Music 
I love music, pure and simple. Though I know there were days before I honed my auditory skills to notice any and every note played, it's difficult for me to recall those times because music has played such an immense role in my life. It sounds kind of cheesy for me to say that as someone who has never been able to read music, sing (except for dramatically in the car, alone) or play an instrument, though it hasn't been without want.  I even have a guitar that I would desperately love to learn to play to prove it. I guess my ignorance holds me back, though I don't plan to use that excuse forever. What I am trying to get at is this, this show is a realization of all my music dreams. Oh how I wish I would have been able to join a club where I could perform with no inhibitions. The show covers songs from different genres and decades, which relates to my taste from Sugarland and Jay-Z, to U2 and Bryan Adams. They don't allow music style to block the expression, they have a freedom to cover any song they want in any style or fashion they want and I love that. If Ryan ends up teaching at a middle or high school he will start a glee club, not necessarily of his own fruition, but because he will be tried of me begging him to offer the opportunity I didn't have, and may have been too cool to allow myself to have, to other kids. 

2. Nail polish line
The show has its own nail polish line! How cool is that? Not necessarily that cool, but since I quit getting my nails done almost two years ago I find myself excitable by nail decoration. I actually went to buy this at Sephora but couldn't find it, and as a self respecting 24 year old woman I didn't ask the attendant to help me find it. Maybe I'll order it online... 

3. Sue Sylvester

Oh Sue, where to start? Ryan recently asked me if I would be opposed to naming our first daughter Sue. We both despise the name. I think he's just dreaming of the fun he would have watching our child torment and push people around just because she see's them as subservient beings, and that's the way Sue sees it (if you are familiar with the show and did not laugh at that last line you are heartless and just might be related to Sue). Sue is drunk with power and even though she's ruthless to a level of harsh intensity, you just can't help but gawk and roll with laughter. She's the awesome rebel we all wish we could be some days and yet underneath her rough exterior is a person that wants to see everyone be happy and succeed. She just wants to take the credit for the whole thing.

4. Mash Ups

I have no idea why I never thought about the concept of combining to songs together before. It's a great way to juxtapose situations or moods, as in the video above, where the "Glee" girls mash Beyonce's sultry and resonant "Halo" with a long favorite of mine KC and The Sunshine Band's "Walking on Sunshine". Two songs about love and how the emotion and experience makes them feel, recorded decades apart, put together to form a hopping and feel good tune. Ryan and I have loosely tried our hand at a mash up of Taylor Swift's "Love Story" starting at the point when she's not sure if he's going to come back for her, our version doesn't have him coming back to propose. So instead of wallowing in what might have been we turn to Cee Lo Green's "Forget You". We'll keep working on it, watch out YouTube. And speaking of Taylor (lovely transition, right?) she's actually picked up on the mash up trend as well (probably something she picked up while she was spending time with Cory Monteith but not dating him, and definitely not writing "Mine" about him...). Remember her American Music Awards performance? If not, here it is...
5. Artie 

Last, but certainly not least, I love "Glee" because of Artie. It's not even the wheelchair that rouses memories of my bright and funny green-eyed baby brother, but those stand out glasses and his sweet personality that can turn feisty without a moments notice. I know, had this show been around before, Austin and I would have spent many hours laughing and singing. 

Having said all this, I understand the urge to fight against the bandwagon mentality. Believe me, I've been there. I heard the rants and the raves of "Glee" and wasn't interested. I actually began to loathe the show when it started winning awards that rightfully belonged to my staple television show, "30 Rock". All of this happened long before I finally settled in to try it. And although I won't be the fan that tweets about how they can't wait for the next season to start the night after the season finale, I will continue to watch and sing within the confines of my living room. 

Today is a very special day and in honor of my music dedicated post, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to share a treasured memory with you. I don't remember the first day it started, but I can recall singing "Don't Worry, Be Happy" with my mom on the way to day care everyday when I was three or four. Ever since, the melody of that song and the words of the chorus has bonded us, only her and I in a special way. Thanks for those memories, mom and for your undying encouragement and support. Here's to us! Happy Birthday. 


1 comment:

  1. oh kayla, i didn't know you would FORCE me to start a glee club if i ended up teaching! i would make a pretty good mr. schuster though wouldn't i, haha? and yes, i figured you might have an extra liking for mr. artie, although we've never discussed it. i think austin would have been a great glee club member, or at least a great member of the glee club you and he could have had together at home (from what i understand, he could sometimes be shy or just generally humble about his talents). another great blog, hun. keep 'em coming!
